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Modern Slavery Act Statement 2016

The Modern Slavery Act 2015 requires UK organisations with an annual turnover of £36m or more to report on the steps they are taking to ensure that modern slavery is not taking place in its supply chains, and publish a link to the home page on its website. This includes the IET.

In 2016, the IET approved an Anti-Slavery Policy and undertook a risk assessment to identify areas of its supply chain which might be susceptible to slavery or human trafficking. The risk assessment considered both geographic and sector risk. It identified that as regards its operations and supply chains, catering and other services at its venues represented a risk, as did the use of certain outsourced services in India.

The IET requested the relevant suppliers to confirm the measures they had in place to combat slavery and human trafficking. Contracts with significant new suppliers, or new suppliers in sectors or countries where the risk of slavery is higher, include clauses regarding anti-slavery measures.

The IET recognises the need to assess the risks of slavery or human trafficking. The IET also recognises that there may be gaps in the visibility of supply chains and limitations in the tools used to identify risks. Addressing these is a complex task and therefore will take time and training to develop an effective framework.

To date, the IET has not found any instances of modern slavery in its operations or supply chain.

This statement was approved by the Board of Trustees on 20 March 2017.

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